Investment Planning Basics Square
Investment Planning: The Basics
Financial Wellness05/01/2024

Why do so many people never obtain the financial independence that they desire? Often it’s because they just don’t take that first step—getting started. Besides procrastination, other excuses people...

Understand Economy Square
Understanding the Economy: It Depends Who is Doing the Measuring
Financial Wellness04/17/2024

You see one headline that says, "Inflation Finally Under Control," followed by one that reads, "Banks Wary of Further Inflation." A news outlet announces, "Unemployment Near Record Low." Yet on the...

View of money square
Keeping a Balanced View of Money
Financial Wellness04/10/2024

The drive to acquire money can warp your values. Having a lot of it can blind you to key realities about yourself. And when you're obsessed with it, it can act as the yardstick by which you measure...

Early bird square
First Doesn’t Always Mean Winning
Financial Wellness03/27/2024

According to the American Heritage Idioms Dictionary, William Camden was the first to record the saying, "The early bird gets the worm." He included it in his 1605 edition of English proverbs.1 Its...

Reitre Misconception square
Misconceptions of Retirement
Financial Wellness02/28/2024

Everyone’s road to retirement looks different. Life circumstances, family size, spending habits over your lifetime, can all change everyone’s end goals and retirement dates. Don't be fooled by common...

What are Target Date Funds?
Financial Wellness02/21/2024

Target Date Funds, also referred to as TDFs are a mix of different types of stocks, bonds and other investments in a single solution. All intended to help you prepare for retirement and structured to...

Estate Plan_square
Love Means Having an Estate Plan
Financial Wellness02/14/2024

Estate Plans are not just for people with “estates”. An estate plan is like a road map for making sure your wishes are carried out when you pass away or are unable to make decisions by yourself. 1...

Pay Yourself_square
Pay Yourself and Reduce Current Taxes by Fully Funding Your Retirement Accounts
Financial Wellness02/07/2024

The federal government has been periodically increasing the contribution limits for individual and workplace retirement accounts over time. Using the incentives of lower or deferred taxes, they are...

Financial wellnes_square
Financial Wellness
Financial Wellness12/13/2023

The first step in creating financial wellness is to gain knowledge. Knowledge is power—the power to build robust financial health. The more you know, the better. The financial world can be complex...

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