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Retiring Early May Not be the Answer
Personal Planning 02/12/2025
For many working people, the ominous feeling begins on Sunday night. They know that when they wake up on Monday, they are going to have to make it through another tough day at work —research says...

When investing for retirement, success is most likely when you give much less attention to the things you have no control over. For example, if you're constantly monitoring the short-term behavior of...

How Politics Relates to Economics The coincidences in life are amazing. I was a young economics student when the Soviet Union began to collapse, and it was fascinating. We had a visiting professor...

Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket. Have you ever finished someone else’s sentence in your head? And, then been totally surprised by what the person actually said? So, there I was in Opelika, AL....

Are You Well? Like Father Like Son. In May, my son Charlie anchored his high school’s 4x800 relay team during the state championship track meet. When the third runner handed him the baton, they were...

Flip-Flop We survived yet another election year. I don’t know about you, but I am glad not to see any more political advertisements, at least for a while. Politics is a full-contact sport and not for...

Day-to-day life can become mundane and monotonous. Some days, when following the same routine and interacting with the same people, we can, at times respond to a given situation in a "scripted"...

When your neighbor’s house goes on the market, do you jump on Zillow to check the price? Do you feel the need to replace your old vehicle when everyone you know seems to be upgrading? As a society,...

If you want to start a lively discussion among a group of retirement experts, just casually toss out the question, "What's the best age to start taking Social Security?" The reason the answer to...

New Year, new goals. What is your big, bold goal for retirement? And what legacy do you want to leave behind? These are some of the key questions one of our advisors might ask when they are getting...